Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentines Day...Sweet From Start to Finish

Kayli and I just love a good celebration! We just finished celebrating the Chinese New Year, and now it's on to Valentine's Day! I let Kayli secretly pick out a card for me while we were at the store. She was thrilled with her choice and couldn't wait to write something inside the card, hard to believe my sweet pea is writing now...
I, of course, had some special valentine candy and trinkets for her. She's so easy to please! The next day, we both wore our red clothes and Valentine jewelry to school. Kayli had decorated a Valentine mailbox for the school party, and it was stuffed full of candy and valentines by the end of the day! I got to check out the classroom party, which was in full swing when I got there. The kids were up to their elbows in glue, hearts, and red paint, as they completed a Totally Fabulous Valentine gift for their parents...
The picture below just cracks me up... It's so typical of a kindergartner who has been immersed in playing and working, to the point that her skirt has worked it's way around her body and is now completely on backwards. Hmm, looks cute either way...
Washing hands, or science...Red paint turns pink when mixed with white soap...COOL!

 There were games to play, of course...
and yummy snacks...
and laughing with friends...
and sharing...
And at the end of the day, a sweet gift for me to hang proudly on the fridge!
My Sweet Valentine!

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