Sunday, March 20, 2011

Emergency Landing...

Yep, just trying to get home, diverted to Charlotte, for an emergency landing, shortly after leaving Orlando. Something about losing oil in one of the engines, then the captain announces that everyone needs to sit down and buckle up, immediately! He assures us that everything will be fine. Well, I was confident that all was under control with the plane, the problem was that Kayli had already informed me that she REALLY had to go potty! And when you're her age, you don't plan ahead for those things, you wait until you suddenly realize that your bladder is about to burst. Oh, great! I watch her squirm and wiggle and whine, and I see another parent who tried to take his kid to the potty being blocked and diverted back to his seat, so I can't even consider making a break for it. I am frantically racking my brain for an idea, something for Kayli to pee in, digging in the backpack, thinking that this would be the perfect time to have a maxi pad handy, then hoping that maybe I threw in one of her spare "night-time pull-ups."  Well, the luck of the irish was with me on this one as if by magic, there appeared, one of Kayli's night-time pull-ups! I told Kayli the plan was to put this on her and it was ok to pee in it. She didn't like the idea, but I told her in emergencies people are allowed to do crazy things like this, and she agreed as I  quickly performed the feat of discreetly slipping this on her, and just in time I might add! Then the plane landed to a fleet of firetrucks, and emergency vehicles, and the crowd on the plane broke out in applause! Now we all have to get off the plane and figure out how to get home from Charlotte. Airline personnel are frantically trying to get people on all kinds of different planes and people are going in all different directions. I already missed my connection in DC. Now they're telling me that my only chance of getting home this night was to take  "stand-by" tickets on an overbooked plane that doesn't leave for another 3 hours! Oh, this should be interesting...
UPDATE: 11:30 p.m. We're home. Our suitcase is being held hostage somewhere in Washington DC. I'm just happy to be home after dealing with travel arrangements since 6:30 this morning!  Why do great vacations always have to end with "airport drama?"

1 comment:

Linsey said...

Ohhh my! Not a fun ending to a wonderful week! Good thing you had a pull-up handy though!

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