Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This Kid Loves... spend lots of time in the morning "creating" just the right ensemble for the day! eat leftover pancakes, toasted in the toaster and dipped in syrup... do homework (except when I'm "grilling" her on sight words!) do "art projects"... "dress up" for errand running...
especially if mom tells her she can bring some of her allowance along!
LOVES...Little Mermaid more than anything else in the world! do "science experiments"...

and on this particular day, Kayli was determined to show me how "a cop" dusts for fingerprints (something she saw on the "Dino Dan" dinosaur show)  She told me she just needed some flour and a paint brush to carry out this experiment, and would need me to video tape the presentation...

LOVES to...have a good laugh, just like her mom!

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