Friday, August 17, 2012

A New School Year Has Begun!

2nd grade here she comes!!! My sweet pea is starting 2nd grade, and on one hand, I find myself wondering how the years keep flying by! On the other hand, I think I know exactly what's happening... 
Your kid starts school, you take pictures, you smile, wipe a tear from your eye, then BAM, suddenly you've got your first "assignment/ "family project" to complete, and it's due the next day! Then, you realize that you've got daily assignments to complete, yes, you and your sweet pea, well, you...leading your sweet pea, through word lists, number games, kid-of-the-week posters, which require every crayon, marker, glue, tape, piece of paper, you have in the house, all the while simultaneously making/eating dinner, feeding/walking the dog, answering phone calls, opening mail/paying bills, other household chores, and...finally, done, but oops, it's now 10:30 p.m. and sweet pea needs to be in bed, but what about the bedtime story? What about the clothing choices we should have made for the next day? What about that homemade, healthy lunch and classroom snack that needs to be made and packed in the appropriate containers? What about that long, leisurely calgon bath I was supposed to seamlessly slip into this schedule? There's always tomorrow...and then it starts all over again, and the year progresses with each day bringing new things for mom to think, do, plan, remember, forget, from day to day!
Each day, the evidence of learning comes home in the backpack, in packs of papers! Oh, how we labor over the decision of what to keep, what to throw, and what needs to be sent back! So, you stick it all in a drawer thing you know...the school year is done! What? Wait? I think I've got a system figured out, but heck, it's summer now, and we can be foot-loose and fancy free again, and forget all about "systems"...until August hits again...WAY TOO SOON, and I have another year to try my luck at fitting everything in, and figuring out how to do IT ALL... in record time. That's where the years are going!
Here's to another busy, but fun school year...
There was a special night to come up to school for a frozen treat, and a chance to meet the teacher and see the classroom...
the 2nd grade classrooms have an "All American" theme...
1st Day of School...Kayli got to have her favorite white powdered donuts for breakfast!
we actually had time to spare this first morning of school...we'll see how long we can keep that up, haha...
unloading supplies...
but wait, is this a bracelet I see? for meeee? How did she know I love jewelry???
and an "official" name tag...
I just know I'm going to love this teacher!

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