We were in Maryland, a stone's throw from our nation's capital! We didn't do any "big time touring" with these 4 year olds, but we drove around so I could see the white house from every angle, and parked near the Lincoln Memorial, and got out to have a nice picnic and stroll the grounds to get a broad view of all the historical monuments.The girls were just happy to run through the sprinklers on this EXTREMELY HOT and HUMID DAY!

Our wonderful hosts took us to an aviation museum that was "hands on" fun for the kids! We had a picnic there too! Kayli's "China friend" had an older sibling who was also adopted from China. She was so sweet, and always offering me assistance with Kayli.

The girls played "dress-up"

Fed the ducks

Walked through the "Bamboo Forest" to go swimming at the public pool
Kayli was soooo impressed with these Huge Bamboo Trees!

On Saturday and Sunday, another little "China friend" and her mom and aunt joined us and we all hung out together going to the zoo, playing in the back yard, taking a walk to the stables. The girls were so excited about having a "sleepover" that they all had their jammies on by 7:00! They had so much fun and really got along reasonably well together for 4 year olds!

This was more exciting than the real animals!

Fine Mist Sprinklers for cooling off!Woohoo!

Backyard for popsicles (and champagne toast for the grown-ups!)

There's nothing like a bunch of little girls giggling and laughing at, well, little girl stuff!

Ready to go for our walk.Kayli is sporting a candy necklace!

Our cool sunglasses!

The horses loved all the attention!

Takin' a water break at the park by the stables

Dippin' strawberries in white chocolate, Mmmmm!

Group hug as one of our friends has to leave

On the way to the airport, we stopped to play at a 3 story Children's Museum. The girls had a ball!

Fabulous fun was had by all! Even considering Kayli developed allergies to this environment while we were there and was sneezing and sneezing, and her eyes were itchy and watery and swollen. I would wait until late evening or just before naptime and give her some Ben-a-dryl, which of course would knock her out cold! She was such a trooper she kept saying "Mom, why I keep sneezing and sneezing?"
1 comment:
ohhh how fun! I forgot you guys were heading out there!! Can't wait to hear more about it! We are in Omaha, but will be back around the 8th. Lets plan a play date!
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