Sunday, July 31, 2011

Is There Really EVER a Good Time For the AC to Quit Working???

It's just not the first thing you want to deal with when you return from a vacation! Ok, it actually didn't stop working until we got up this morning, and I didn't notice it for a while because I was busy unpacking bags and boxes in the garage. I was going back and forth between the kitchen and the garage, when during one of those "trips" it dawned on me that the temperature was no different inside the house than it was in the garage! Yep, there was air coming out of the vents, just NOT cold air, and the house was getting hot! Kayli walked into the kitchen and looked up at me with sweat droplets running down her face and said "Should we go swimming or something?" She had no idea why our house was so hot but she was ready to take action! Well, I didn't have the energy to even think about packing another bag, even if it was just a swim I chose the next best option...our deck, the hose, and the hot tub filled with cold water! We both cooled off, and had some fun while waiting most of the day to hear back from a service person...
We even decided to share some of the water with our poor, nearly dead flowers, and the pitifully cracked earth beneath our deck,  and Kayli asks "Mom, is this called a drought???" Sure looks like one...but we're hoping this is a mini-drought and if we need to we might have to do a "rain dance" to get some water moving through our skies!  
My previously beautiful flowers went from this...
to this...
Well, at least we've got cool air coming through the vents again! We'll be sleeping well tonight!

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