Friday, August 19, 2011

The Sweet Pea Started 1st Grade This Week!

Hard to believe, 1st grade!

Seems like just yesterday I was dropping a scared little 3-year-old off at her first preschool...

then I "blinked" and it was already time to start kindergarten...
 I "blinked" again, and suddenly I have a 6 year old heading off to 1st grade...
Last week all the kids got to come up to school one evening to meet their teachers and choose a frozen treat from the "ice cream man"!

Below, Kayli poses with one of her teachers. She has two teachers this year, that are job sharing...

We had to stop by my classroom, of course, to see if everything was as she remembered...
We got all the required school supplies..
Got up extra early and took time to actually sit down and eat breakfast on the first day of first grade. Then, Kayli posed for a quick picture and we headed out into the pouring rain!
once inside, we dried off and waited for the bell to ring. Then, it was time to meet the 2nd of Kayli's two teachers...
I helped her find her tabletop nameplate and alphabet/number strip, then she got to choose the desk she wanted to sit in.
She decided to sit next to some familiar faces from her kindergarten class. I helped her unpack her school supplies, gave her a hug and a kiss and wished her a fun filled fabulous day as I headed down the hall to begin my busy day with all the kids back in school! Today was actually only a half day of school for the kids, while all of us teachers spent the rest of the day enduring, I mean enjoying yet another stimulating inservice!
The second day of 1st grade was a sunny day, and we were back to our old familiar routine of heading out the door with a yogurt smoothie in one hand, and a half eaten waffle in the other, making sure to get to school on time!
1st grade is "off to space" this year, meeting lots of martians along the way...
On the 3rd day of 1st grade Kayli was thrilled to get a package in the mail from our good friend, Natalie. She sent some of her famous "first-day-of-school-monster-cookies!" What a great surprise!
 Kayli and I talked a lot about starting a new school year and I told her that she didn't need me to walk her down the hall this year. The day before school started she told me that she didn't want to hurt my feelings when I was telling her about being big enough to walk to her class alone, but she really didn't think that was a good idea. In fact, she would prefer that I didn't talk about it again! Ok, so I had to do some creative thinking...a teacher near my classroom has a first grader that walks down the hall with a big sister. This teacher and I made a plan that her girls would knock on my classroom door and pick up Kayli on their way down the hall. Well, so far, she hasn't been thrilled about it, but wants to be nice to the girls who so sweetly take each of Kayli's hands and guide her down the hall, after I've given her a hug, a kiss, and a little push! 
We just take each day as it comes, because like I said before, another blink of an eye and these days will be just a memory. A very sweet memory.

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