Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Swimming Lessons

I signed Kayli up for a two-week stint of daily swimming lessons, 45 minutes per day. On the last day, they invited parents to stay and witness the new skills our children had aquired...
"Ok, Miss Kayli, are you ready?"
 "I'm ready!"
...and she's off!
doing great... keep that tummy up...
whoops...starting to sink...
Teacher says: "Ok, Kayli, you need to pretend you have a big round belly like Santa, then lean back and let your round tummy just float like a ball!"
Kayli laughs: "Ha,ha, that is hilarious, I can't stop laughing!"
"Ok, I think I'm ready now..."
and, now the scissor kick, NICE...
thanks for the help, Mrs. J., but I'm so ticklish, and uh, you're tickling me, and I'm about to curl up with laugher...
Ok, everyone down at the end of the pool to finish with a dive. 
First, the kneeling dive...
and she "slices through the water like a hot knife through butter" er sort of...
and, now she prepares for the standing dive...arms up...
and...she's in...
a whole lot of learning took place in 8 swim sessions! Way to go Kayli!!!

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