Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers Day!

It was early morning, my sweet girl walked into my bedroom carrying this tray…two tall glasses of water, one with a lid, one without (you know where this is going)…
… and two bowls of dry “Life” cereal. I sit up in bed, smiling, I take the tray and set it down in the middle of my bed. At this very moment, the uncovered glass of water tips over and begins to run off the tray, pooling onto my comforter. I reach to pick up the glass and manage to clip the side of the paper cereal bowl, flipping it completely over and spilling the “Life” cereal in the pool of water on my comforter. (We all know what happens to “Life” cereal when it gets wet, right? It becomes mushy oatmeal!) At this point, Kayli looks at me for her cue, and I burst out laughing! So the two of us laugh and laugh while we begin the clean-up. Really, it was quite the comical event. Thank goodness she didn’t decide to bring me coffee!!!
Once the washer was filled with bedding and chugging away, we headed downstairs to finish breakfast at the table! I poured myself a nice hot cup of coffee, and defrosted some breakfast pastries for just this kind of occasion! Kayli had made me a nice card at school...
Ha, I am so glad she appreciates the fact that I feed her, haha, and it gets equal billing with how I sometimes let her choose. I would say that gets me "Mom of the Year!" Love how kids just state the facts! I do love that she thinks I'm nice and pretty!
There was also this nice card that I let Kayli pick out at the store last week in anticipation of this day...
which came with this nice necklace that we picked out together...
today, our long overdue Spring weather had finally arrived, and we couldn't wait to get to the park!
Kayli started to feed the geese, and discovered this poor handicapped goose that was limping and holding up one leg...
Poor thing, Kayli decided he should get ALL our bread crumbs!
we took a leisurely walk around the lake, stopping now and then to check out something new...
or just pose for a picture since mom just loves to try out new settings on her camera...
love that bokah background!
there was a very cool new playstructure at the park! That double ring spins!!!
now this will give you a work-out!
Kayli made a friend, and the two were off and running and/or climbing!
on our way home we had to stop by Lily and Graeme's brand new house to give their mom and dad a housewarming plant. Lily was not there, but Graeme was ready to play, and mimic everything Kayli did. Kayli kept trying to teach him words..."Graeme, say caaar"...
then the two of them enjoyed a snack together, and lots of laughs (Graeme thought Kayli was a crack-up)...
Now it was time to start thinking about getting everything ready for school tomorrow, waaa. Kayli said that she really thinks Mothers Day should be on a Monday and everyone should get the day off so we could really celebrate all day Sunday, stay up late on Sunday night, and get to sleep-in on Monday. Ohhhh, I like the way this girl thinks!!!

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