Friday, May 3, 2013

What? SNOW? IN MAY???

Like I just said in my last post, the weather has been insanely unpredictable! Well, at the end of the school day, I looked out the window and saw...drum roll couldn't possibly guess this...but it's true...yes, in the month of May...May 2nd to be was SNOWING!!! Holy Moly Spicy Guacomole! We could not believe what we were seeing! Simply unbelievable!
When we got home, Kayli quickly changed clothes, choosing winter pjs instead of a snowsuit...
Sprinkles looked outside, and the bubble above her head said "Seriously? Snow again?"
and they ran outside to begin playing in this record breaking child's dream come true!
I guess I won't be needing to set the sprinkler out today, haha!
"A half of an inch of snow has fallen at Kansas City International Airport, breaking the previous snowfall record for Kansas City for May 2. Snow has fallen just four times in Kansas City during May, according to the National Weather Service. The only measurable amount of snow was 1.7 inches on May 3, 1907. "
Tomorrow, at school, is the annual May spirit day "Shorts and Shades Day" where all the kids are supposed to wear...of course...shorts and shades, Ha!
May 3rd, 2013, Shorts and Shades Day...
We had to make some modifications...
then I decided to get permission from Kayli's teacher to take a picture of her whole class outside in the snow, with a sign to commemorate the significance of this day...
we sent the photo to a local news station, where they aired it on the Monday morning news. Pretty funny!

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