Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

...a moment of reflection before the craziness begins! One minute we are "trick-or-treating" the next minute we are shopping for a Thanksgiving meal! ...and, we all know what's right around the corner...yikes!
Kayli and I had 14 family members at our house for Thanksgiving this year. We had quite the evening feast! Couldn't believe how many leftovers we had...I always buy waaaaay too much! Grocery stores and I are just a dangerous combination. We managed to get Grandpa here via "special taxi", and he really seemed to enjoy the evening. Kayli's favorite part of the meal was the mashed potatoes and gravy...she ate 3 or 4 helpings! Granted, she didn't eat anything else on her plate, oh, except the corn that Aunt Laura made, mmmm. Life is good...

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