Friday, February 12, 2010

"My Kindergarten Hurts"

Kayli is just a few weeks away from turning 5, so today we headed for the pediatrician for her 5 year old, well-child, pre-kindergarten check-up! The doctor told Kayli this was her "kindergarten checkup"...

They took her blood pressure with the tiniest little cuff and recorded a "tiny little blood pressure"

They listened to her heart with a pretty pink stethoscope while Kayli laughed at her loudly growling tummy! (I picked her up at school right at the start of snack)

They weighed her... 30 lbs.

They measured her height...39 inches

The doctor asked Kayli some questions...
What would you do if a stranger offered you candy? "Nothin'"
What would you do if a stranger asked you if you wanted to see a puppy? "Nothin'"
So, would you go see the puppy? "I just stay with my mom." (Good answer Kayli)
What would you do if there was a fire in your house? "Run!" (Close, Kayli, but not the answer the doc was looking for... I get a "teacher-kind-of-look" from the doc, who asks me about our fire plan at home...uh, fire plan? You mean the one where it's the middle of the night and I smell smoke, so I reach over to the sleeping child in bed with me, and scoop her up, and carry her to safety? (well that would mean I'd have to tell the doctor that I'm letting my child sleep with me and well, we all know, that would open a "whole nother can of worms!")so I say nothing while the doc tells Kayli the suggested fire plan in a house should be that the child lays down next to her bed and waits for her mom to come and get her, and Kayli is looking quizzically at her because we know she's thinking "why would I do that when my mom is in bed next to me?" and then...a few more questions...and Kayli is tired of this game, so she begins to ask the doctor questions that are more interesting... "What's in that little bag you brought in here?" "Can I write something on that paper?" "Wanna see me fly?"
Time to break the news to Kayli about getting shots. I opted for letting the doctor spring this news on her. She told Kayli that part of starting kindergarten is getting a few shots. She told her that she knew this was a bummer but it was ok if Kayli wanted to cry. Kayli thought this comment was hysterical, as she threw her head back and chortled! The doctor left, the nurse came in, and administered 4 shots to Kayli's thighs while she laid bravely on the table hugging her pink bunny, while I hugged her. She didn't scream like I thought she might, she became hot and flushed, and cried quiet tears, waiting for it to be over. (Very hard on a mom's heart!) The nurse gave Kayli a sucker and left. Kayli climbed into my lap a wept for about a minute, before she looked up at me and said "That wasn't as bad as I thought."

Once we were home, Kayli wanted me to carry her out of her carseat to the house. She said "Mom, my kindergarten really hurts!" Oh my. Too funny, but I can't laugh.
All was well once we got in the house and shifted our focus to the surprises I had waiting for my little Valentine!

Happy Valentine's Day Sweet Girl of Mine!

And for Mom...

1 comment:

Linsey said...

They always surprise us don't they! With all of that planning and worrying you did about how sweet little Kayli would react and then she shows us all how big and BRAVE she really is! What a big girl Kayli! Way to go!

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