Monday, January 10, 2011

First "Snow Day" of the Year!

Woohoo! There's nothing more exciting than a "snow day"! And just to be sure it happened, Kayli and I wore our pjs inside out last night...
put spoons under our pillows...
and, luck be with us, we got the call quite early this morning, cancelling school! Oh, happy day, first and foremost this means that everybody gets to sleep in...zzzzzzzz...
secondly, it means we get to stay in our jammies, and I get to savor a hot cup of coffee with my "saved-especially-for-snow-days-freezer-cinnamon rolls!" Kayli stayed in her jammies, but just couldn't wait to put on her snowsuit, so she just put it on over her jammies. That way she could just wait for my signal and she'd be off and running, or diving, into the snow!
The snow looked so pretty as I watched it fall outside my back window...
When we were ready to head outdoors, we discovered that Kayli's snow boots were too small. We couldn't stuff her feet into them! Never fear, though, we just double-socked her feet and pulled out her rain boots!
Once outside, we realized that the temps were PERFECT for a quick shoveling of the driveway and lots of play in the snow!
yeah, real "snowcones" outside, then s'mores and hot cocoa inside...
MMmmmm, oh yeah, what a day! 

1 comment:

Ryan Jones said...

I wish there was snow here in Washington.

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