Monday, January 3, 2011

Not a Single Arguement...

over what to wear, while we were on our winter holiday break! When you have a child that insists on creative dressing every day, and her "creations" aren't always appropriate for "school" let alone leaving the house, you have lots of daily "discussions" and suggestions, and compromises, and it gets exhausting! So, during this holiday break, I threw caution to the wind and gave Miss Kayli all the creative freedom she needed for her choice of daily attire!
Uh, is it just me, or is something missing here?
Then, there was the day we went to the library...we left the house and Kayli looked like this...pretty good choice, I think...
but wait...we got ourselves "settled" into the children's section, put our coats, bags,etc. in a pile, and Kayli was looking at books, so I began to peruse the bookshelves for good checkout choices. A few minutes later, I turn to check on Kayli and find that she had apparently "planned ahead" for when she got a little too hot, and was now talking to the librarian while sporting this breezy number...
 I am looking at the librarian, having a serious conversation with Kayli about the tooth book she is looking for, and I am watching Kayli standing there, looking just as "proud as a peacock", and I can hardly keep myself from laughing out loud, but I just shake my head and "carry on", laughing to myself about this crazy kid!

1 comment:

Linsey said...

Ohhh my Miss Kayli! I wonder what the librarian was thinking about your wonderful choice of shirts that day!

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